
你有股坚韧不拔的劲头。 3. You read a lot. 你知识面真广。 4. You're really good at what you do. 你工作做得不错。 5. Your work on that project was incredible. 你那个项目完成...

Do you really need to drink eight cups of water a day? 没有证据表明一天之内除了饮用其他饮料外再喝八杯水会对你有益,事实是这可能对身体有害。生活在温带气候的人若没有保持体力锻...

Track from: Have A Nice Day [Island] Tomorrow Is Forever Solomon Burke & Dolly Parton Track from: Nashville [Shout! Factory] Calling Me Kenny Rogers & Don Henley Track from: Water & Bridges [Capitol Records Nashville] Midnight Angel

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